✨ 50% discount on trading fees for Litecoin trades
Choose the crypto you want to swap, how much, and what crypto you want to receive. Receive instant estimates as you modify your selection on the fly.
Register your account
Sign up or log in to LocalCoinSwap and you will be ready to swap in seconds.
Prepare your swap
Simply choose the cryptos and amounts you'd like to swap and follow the prompts.
Receive your crypto
Your swap will be processed and you will receive your crypto fast.
Unlimited Exchange
Swap without upper limits on the most popular non-custodial P2P marketplace.
Solid Security
Leverage the rock-solid wallets provided by LocalCoinSwap to store your crypto.
Speed Matters
The average swap is completed in 2 minutes or less, respond to the market fast!
Maximum Liquidity
Stop juggling multiple accounts just to convert your crypto with great prices.
LocalCoinSwap is the most popular non-custodial marketplace for P2P traders worldwide.
Not only can you trade crypto with 300+ payment methods, but you can also now swap on the same reliable platform.
Stop wasting time jumping between accounts and start swapping in seconds. Whether you've been trading for years or just getting started, we've got you covered.
Sign up instantly to starting buying, selling, and swapping the most popular cryptocurrencies. All you need is a valid email!